​Membership Ride- Sandstone Ranch

Serving Horse Owners In Douglas and Elbert County Colorado


Greenland Work Day

 Emergency Preparedness Clinic

      Provided volunteers to Douglas County Fairgrounds during Hayman Fire June 2002.                                   Douglas-Elbert County Horse Council                    

                                 Recent Accomplishments

Actual Equine Emergency Evacuations                            


   *Provided volunteers to Douglas County Fairgrounds during the Northern Colorado Floods.  

    *Provided volunteers to assist evacuation during Burning Tree Fire.  

    *Provided backup evacuation assist in Elbert County. Oct.  2021  

    *Provided volunteers to assist evacuation during Noe Rd. Fire. March 23, 2018

     *Provided volunteers to assist evacuation during  Forest Ridge Fire. March  4, 2018

     *Provided volunteers to Elbert County Fairgrounds and Iron Horse Equine Center during Black Forest Fire.  June  2013.

     *Provided volunteers to Douglas County Fairgrounds during Waldo Canyon Fire    June 2012.   

      *Provided volunteers to Douglas County Fairgrounds during Hayman Fire June 2002. 


  • Hosted Emergency Preparedness Clinics                            

   2023  April 15, Douglas County Fairgrounds    




   2019 Douglas County Fairgrounds Plus Trailer Loading Clinic

   2018 Elbert County Fairgrounds plus Tailer loading Clinic

   2017 Douglas County Fairgrounds plus Trailer loading Clinic

   2016 Douglas County Fairgrounds plus Trailer Loading Clinic  

   2015 Elbert County Fairgrounds plus Trailer Loading Clinic  

   2014 Douglas County Fairgrounds plus Trailer Loading Clinic     
Elbert County Fairgrounds   


  Hosted Emergency Management Barn Managers Training 2018, 2019, 2022     


  • Participated with County Agencies                            

 Attended training sessions with Douglas County Animal Response Team (CART)        

    Attended training for Douglas-Elbert County Emergency Operations Center            

    Worked with Douglas County Parks Dept. to improve Equestrian Parking at Trailheads  

 Met with Elbert County Emergency Management   


  • Participated in Parades and County Fairs                            

 Coordination and Announcing for Parker Christmas Parade 2014                
    Decorated festive carriage (and won Prizes) for Parker Christmas Parade 2001-2013        

    Entered float drawn by a tractor in Elbert County Fair Parade 2010-2018            

    Entered float drawn by a tractor in Douglas County Fair Parade 2010-2017.            


  • Sponsored Town Meetings                                

Hosted Colorado Horsemen's Town Meeting at Franktown Fire Station to provide all participants of Equine Activities with changes to legislation and open space availability 2012-2019-2021.        

  • Published and Distributed a Directory of all area providers of Equine Services.            

Published a quarterly Newsletter to DECHC members of all activities keeping our Horse Use freedoms.    

    Reprinted information from the Colorado Horse Council on State Equine Issues        


  • Provided Information Booth                                

 At the annual Rocky Mountain Horse Expo                        

    At the annual Douglas County Fair                        

    At the Colorado Agriculture Leadership Foundation’s  (CALF)  Fall Harvest  www.thecalf.org


  • Host an Annual Trail Ride                                

 To promote membership and allow riding on private or normally inaccessible land.


  • Introduced Scholarship Fund in 2018

           Scholarship award to member Heike Vargas April- 2019